College students and small businesses empowering each other



Connect college students and small businesses.

Small businesses get affordable, educated, short-term local labor

College students get relevant experience, real-world skills, and money


Small businesses often need competent workers for short-term work and have limited budgets. Collectively, University students have skills in just about every area that small businesses operate in. These students need relevant work experience to be successful and also money for their every day expenses.


Our sites provide a trustworthy platform for small businesses and college students to collaborate in a mutually beneficial arrangement. Small businesses help students to get authentic real-world experience, while students help small businesses stretch their budgets.  In addition to technical skills, students also gain skills in (a) bidding on projects, (b) managing client expectations, (c) communicating with clients, etc.


In short, we enable small businesses to tap into the incredibly competent labor force of local college students while simultaneously enabling college students to not only make money and gain experience by doing work in their area of expertise, but also develop real-world skills that can make them more employable.



We operate two sites, which connect College students with small business owners in slightly different ways. On StudentMicroJobs students list specific jobs/services they are willing to do and the amounts they would charge. Small Business owners can search from the offered services to meet their needs and then commission students to perform the advertised service.


On EduLabor, small businesses post their needs in the form of simplified Request for Proposals (RFPs). Students  competitively bid on the posted projects and the small business owner then selects the proposal that best meets the needs of the RFP.


Both sites offer an escrow trustworthy feature that protects the workers and clients. When a project starts, the buyer pays immediately. Those funds are then held in "escrow" until the project is completed successfully. If the work is accepted by the buyer, the funds are released. If the work is not completed successfully, the funds are returned to the buyer.


Both sites also offer a rating system to help buyers select the most appropriate worker.

Students offer specific services at a fixed price which businesses purchase

Businesses publish Request For Proposals (RFPS) which students then competitively bid


Laura Morales is a Purdue University Alumni (Psychology, Professional Writing,BA 1996) with a passion for improving the lives of college students and business owners. Prior to starting Solutions Syndicate LLC, Laura owned MoIceAndCoffee coffee shop in Fowler Indiana. Laura has extensive experience in the publishing business and has made a living as an entrepreneur since the early 2000s.





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